Mölnlycke Health Care AB
Entreprenörsstråket 21
SE-431 53 Mölndal
We are here to help if you need us and we are always pleased to hear from you – whether you want to buy our products, discuss an existing order, visit one of our sites, make a complaint or report an adverse event.

Visiting address:
Postal address:
Mölnlycke Health Care AB
Box 6
SE-431 21 Mölndal
Telephone: +46 31 722 30 00
Fax: +46 31 722 34 00

Report a product complaint or adverse event
At Mölnlycke, we strive to secure our worldwide reputation for products that are safe, compliant, easy-to-use, reliable and effective. If you have experienced a potential quality issue, an adverse event or suspected side effect when using one of our products, it is vital that you tell us or competent authority about it as soon as you can.
By reporting what you have experienced, you help us ensure the future safety and satisfaction of our customers as we can investigate and put things right if we need to.

Speak up - we listen
At Mölnlycke we invite our employees and third parties to speak up and raise their concerns regarding suspected actions, omissions or behaviour that violate applicable laws and regulations, or violate Mölnlycke’s Code of Conduct, other internal policies and procedures, or applicable industry codes of ethics, including potential or suspected violation to Human rights.